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Benefits of Membership

ATD Rocky Mountain Chapter members have access to:

  • Members only blog to post workshops, events or special sessions which offer ATD Rocky Mountain Chapter members a discount
  • Members only job offers
  • Post your job offers for Members only
  • Special offers and discounts at partner and affiliate Chapter events
  • Member directory


  • Education and development programs, conference and educational opportunities
  • Top-notch experts speak to your issues through Chapter-sponsored professional development events and webinars
  • Affiliation with the local training and development community
  • Discussion forums to get advice from local experts
  • Access to information, data, articles and tools with information you can apply immediately
  • CPLP Certification programs and study groups so you can become a recognized leader in our industry
  • Help you further develop your skills and refine your career path

Business Development Benefits

  • Networking opportunities to build professional connections in the learning and development community
  • Social interactions to meet others with similar interests
  • Find potential vendors/providers
  • Identification as a member of ATD on your resume to show your commitment to the field
  • Use of the ATD Rocky Mountain logo on your web site with a hyperlink back to the ATD Rocky Mountain Chapter website

Personal Benefits

  • Build your confidence
  • Discounts for local events and conferences
  • Increase your professional credibility
  • Leadership opportunities through volunteering
  • Interact with us on Facebook, LinkedIn and Twitter to build relationships and grow your reputation and business
  • Keep up to date with emerging trends and tools in Talent Development
  • Increase your effectiveness and value to your organization

Copyright ©2024 Rocky Mountain Chapter Association for Talent Development

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