Become A Rocky Mountain Chapter ATD Sponsor in 2024!
For a detailed list of sponsorship levels and benefits, please download and review the sponsorship brochure and follow up with the Vice President of Sponsorship at to answer any of your questions. ATD RMC is a 501C-3 professional association and sponsorships are tax deductible.
What is the value of sponsorship with Rocky Mountain ATD?
RMC ATD is the prestigious leader in providing professional development services to almost 400 workplace learning and performance professionals in Colorado and Wyoming.
The members’ scope of workplace responsibility varies, including learning and performance, diversity and equity, organizational development, change management, instructional design, human resources, corporate training and leadership development.
Benefit from ongoing exposure to local members as well as national and international Learning and Development professionals.
Provides a variety of opportunities for businesses to reach Talent Development professionals from Colorado and Wyoming.
Monthly program meetings (average 25-30 attendees) Webinars (average 20-30 attendees) Workshops (average 35 attendees) and Networking events (average 15-20 attendees).
Our sponsorship opportunities are broad and varied. There are three major categories with detailed benefits listed on the next page: Friends of Rocky Mountain Chapter ATD, Rocky Mountain Chapter ATD Event Sponsor and Event Host Sponsor.
Those are just some of the tangible benefits of ATDRMC sponsorship. The intangible benefits include supporting the Talent Development community in Colorado and Wyoming and, through your support, helping individuals, teams, organizations, and businesses improve performance and generate better results.
You will raise your company’s profile through generous acknowledgement of your support. Your training and development personnel will be exposed to the latest and best practices in learning and development. You contribute to further learning and performance opportunities for our membership and the community.
You can choose from 3 monetary sponsorship levels, or a targeted event sponsorship. You will be able to take advantage of strategic advertising opportunities, email campaigns, designated presentations, networking opportunities and the opportunity to get free ATD Rocky Mountain Chapter memberships!
Want to create a unique, one of a kind sponsorship opportunity with ATD Rocky Mountain Chapter? Contact for more information. We are happy to work with you!

Current interests of chapter members include:
- Instructional Design
- Change management
- Leadership development
- Organizational development
- DEIB (Diversity, Equity, Inclusivity, Belonging)
- Consulting and coaching skills
- Human performance improvement
- Training and delivery best practices
- Approximately 75% of RMC members are female
- All Members are decision makers and/or leaders within the Learning and Development industry
Support the ATD Vision, gain visibility and access leaders within the Learning and Development community. ATD RMC is a 501C-3 professional association and sponsorships may be tax deductible. Please consult your tax advisor for more information.